Our Mission
Followers of Christ Fellowship is restoring the mission making disciples by being led by the Holy Spirit. Many Christians today have lost their purpose and the joy of an abundant life in Christ. God’s main purpose for you is to grow spiritually and then help others to do the same. You can’t do that with a book or course you must allow the Holy Spirit to lead the process of being formed into the image of Christ. This is the most effective and biblical way of transforming people’s lives.

Followers of Christ Fellowship | Led by Dr. Stephen L. Gray
Join us Sundays at 10:30AM & 6:30PM & Every 1st and 3rd Saturday at 10:30AM
2202 Estaline Drive Florence, AL 35630.

Who has been a faith missionary for 20 years, planting and pastoring churches around the world. He experienced a life-changing visitation of Gods’ glory in East Africa that is now a manifestation of his life.
The principles of Spirit-Led-Discipleship explained in the book “Becoming a True Disciple” is about recognizing what God is doing in each persons life us and then learning to cooperate with God’s process of life transformation. These principles were discovered while planting churches in Africa and now are being demonstrated in the Followers of Christ Fellowship. Since 2012, the members have experienced the power of Spirit-Led-Discipleship transforming their lives. You must listen to their testimonies!
These methods given by God are now demonstrated at Followers of Christ in Florence, AL.
1. School of Discipleship meets 1st & 3rd Saturday of every month.
A. Principles of Spiritual Growth.
B. How to create an environment for Spiritual Growth.
2. Sunday services 10:30A.M. & 6:30pm every Sunday at 206 Heathrow Drive. Florence, AL.
A. Preached word as directed by the Holy Spirit.
B. Glory of God is present in all services.
3. Small Groups Monday through Thursday
A. Where encouragement, accountability, communication, & fellowship occur.
B. Fellowship and ministry to believers.
4. Grounding Manual Meeting on Mondays
A. Discipleship grounding manual is discussed – see resources.
B. Discussion of God’s truth between believers.
5. Transformation Prayer
A. A biblical process of tearing down strongholds.
B. Healing of physical & emotional wounds directed by the Holy Spirit in prayer.
*For More information Contact Margaret Tidwell at (256) 764-7443.
About Dr. Stephen Gray
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Stephen Gray Ministries is dedicated to planting churches and building disciples around the world.